Changing jobs may offer more perks – higher income, greater fulfilment, and the opportunity for growth are often things people look for in a new gig. But could it also impact your mortgage application?

January and February each year is typically prime time for people considering switching jobs – the Christmas holiday period is in the rearview mirror and a new year of possibilities lies ahead.

In fact new LinkedIn research shows 59% of workers are thinking about leaving their job in 2023, with more than half saying they’re confident of finding something better.

Coincidentally, 2023 could also be a good time to start considering your next property purchase, with house prices reaching a record decline of -8.40% in January from the May 2022 peak.

So could a job change impact your mortgage application? The short answer is it could.

But how much of an impact it has depends on a few factors.

Can you still land a mortgage?

Employment histories with frequent job changes over short timeframes can raise lenders’ eyebrows.

But even with a rock-solid employment profile, lenders may view a fresh job change as an added risk.

Lenders love to see stability. Staying in a job and building up your employment and financial profile will improve your mortgage approval chances.

A new job is less stable than one you’ve been in for a long time. There could be probation periods for both you and your employer to see if the role fits.

But you still may be able to land a mortgage with a new job.

Some job changes are low risk, with possibly minor effects on your mortgage application.

And some are high-risk and may result in delays and more hoops to jump through.

Low-impact changes

A change lenders consider less risky is switching to a permanent, salaried role in your current industry.

This is because you have a proven record of holding employment in this field and have the promise of a steady paycheck streaming into your bank account.

Typically, lenders want to see at least two to three of your most recent payslips. Some may require you to have your new job for at least three months.

So as long as you have a good financial profile, meet the requirements, and don’t have an unstable employment history, you may experience minimal impact.

But ultimately this depends on the lender and the loan.

High-impact changes

Considering a complete career overhaul, starting a business, or switching to casual, contract, or freelance work?

These are exciting changes that may result in more fulfilment, flexibility and money, if the stars align.

But while opportunity is on the cards, so too is risk – as far as lenders are concerned.

This is because sometimes to enter a new industry you have to accept lower-paying roles. Or because it can take some time to thrive in a new industry or business.

Similarly, casual work (and similar) often has higher pay rates. But part of this is to offset the lack of benefits you may receive, such as job security, severance pay and sick leave.

Suffice to say, all these types of job changes may make the mortgage application process more difficult.

However, there could be lenders who will consider your application if your financial profile is otherwise hunky dory and your previous employment history is stable.

Lenders may want to see more than the typical two to three payslips. Some may also require you to be employed in your new role for at least three to six months.

And self-employed applicants typically need to show at least a year’s worth of business income records.

These added requirements may result in a need to delay applying for a mortgage for a little while.

Find out more

Switching up your employment and landing a mortgage can be tricky. But having a helping hand can make the process easier.

We can point you in the direction of lenders more likely to consider your situation and help put together an application that presents your situation in the best possible light.

So if both a career change and a new property are on the cards for you in 2023, give us a call today.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

Having a spruced-up home feels great. And it can also boost your home’s value. But, as exciting as the prospect of rolling up your sleeves and getting on with a reno can be, there are certainly pitfalls to avoid.

New year, new you, new reno?

Renovating is exciting. Having aesthetics and function on point can make your home feel new again. And possibly add to its value should you want to sell or refinance.

But we’ve all heard reno horror stories: shonky tradies, budget blowouts and permit nightmares, not to mention the recent supply chain disruptions.

So we’ve compiled some tips to help you avoid these perils (and associated headaches!).

1. Prepare and plan

As Benjamin Franklin said, “if you fail to plan you’re planning to fail”. Bit harsh, but it rings true. Especially for a reno.

It’s a good idea to keep organised with a to-do list and a timeline.

You’ll need to check for council restrictions and permit requirements. Ignoring this could mean hefty fines. Or having to tear down your hard work (it does happen!).

Contracts should be set in place with tradies, the correct materials purchased, and a budget set … you’ll have a lot on your plate.

2. Research tradies

It’s a no-brainer that a reputable and skilled tradie will most likely provide better outcomes. But they usually come with a higher price tag.

The temptation to hire that cheap as chips mate of a mate is real.

But it’s important to hire licenced tradies. Most state fair trading websites offer a free online service for you to check.

Not doing so runs the risk of fines, shoddy work and costly re-dos. And the work of an unlicenced tradie most likely won’t be covered by insurance.

Also, be sure to check out any reviews and examples of their work.

3. Budget and a buffer

Having a budget is an important step. You need to be realistic about how much your project is going to cost and whether you can afford it.

It’s also wise to have a contingency.

Unexpected costs can really add up – just ask anyone who has completed a reno. Being prepared with a buffer can give you peace of mind to forge ahead in the face of surprises.

Also, having a broker like us on your side can help make funding your reno more straightforward.

We’ll help you explore your financing options, which might include unlocking the equity in your home to fund your reno or any added costs.

Not only can we help you find a competitive rate. We can also track down flexible loans, such as a line of credit, to help cover any unforeseen costs that crop up.

4. Be flexible

To get a reno done, it’s best to be flexible.

It’s not unheard of to uncover issues during a reno – such as structural problems, water damage, asbestos and faulty wiring – which require you to deviate from your original plans and budget.

The building industry is also facing supply chain disruption due to recent world events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

As a result, wait times and costs are blowing out for some materials and so a specific item you had your heart set on may need to be replaced with an alternative.

But by being flexible – including having a flexible line of credit – you can adapt and move forward with your reno.

Get in touch

We know a thing or two about financing a reno.

Our team can find flexible loan options, lines of credit and competitive rates to suit you. And if you’ve got equity in your home, we can help you unlock it.

So if you’d like to find out more, get in touch today. We’re ready to help make your 2023 reno dreams a reality.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

Finding the time to delve into your finances can be a struggle. But the school holidays can offer the perfect time, especially for teachers. Get cracking on your financial to-do list these holidays by looking into refinancing your mortgage.

Planning on giving your finances a boost by refinancing your mortgage?

Well, you’re not alone. Following a string of rate rises last year, borrowers are refinancing in record numbers, according to PEXA research.

And ABS finance and wealth spokesperson, Katherine Keenan, says recent data shows owner-occupier refinancing with different lenders remained at record levels in 2022, above $12 billion.

For many, mortgage repayments take the biggest chunk of the household budget which has become increasingly stretched by the rising cost of living.

So, the school holidays could provide some spare time to give your mortgage a thorough look over.

We’ll fill you in on why it may be a good idea to refinance your mortgage, what to look out for, and how you can get a helping hand.

Why refinance?

If it’s been a while since you’ve revisited your mortgage, you could be paying a higher interest rate than you need to. This is commonly known as the loyalty tax.

Lenders like to offer all the bells, whistles, and better rates to new customers in a bid to get their business.

Since they’ve already won you over, you often don’t get invited to the party.

But by refinancing, you could have lenders offering sweet new customer deals to woo you.

And if your fixed-rate mortgage good times are about to stop rolling, you too could get in on the new customer woo-fest and shop around for a better interest rate.

With the right offer, it can really pay off – refinancers saved on average $1,524 per year, according to 2022 PEXA data.

Over three years, that adds up to an extra $4,572 in your pocket for renovations, savings, extra repayments, or whatever you like.

And you don’t always need to move to another lender to see savings. You could refinance or negotiate with your existing lender, depending on their policy.

They may be open to offering you a deal to keep you on as a customer.

Ditch the hassle

If you’d like to find out more about refinancing, get in touch today.

We know all the ins and outs of refinancing and can shop around to find the most suitable loans for you.

So let us do the legwork on your refinancing goals these holidays so you can maximise your R&R.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

Buying a rental property is a popular way to invest. But where do you stand if the property you’re eyeing off already has a tenant? We’ll fill you in on what you need to know.

So you’re primed to expand your financial horizons and want to buy an investment property?

2023 may provide promise, with double-digit percentage gains for rental returns predicted in 11 out of the 14 major Australian residential markets.

But what happens if the property you want to buy already has tenants?

Depending on your plans, this could be a major boon. With tenants in place, the rental income can roll in from day dot!

But if you want to make changes to the property or the tenancy agreement … things get more complex.

So without further ado, here are the ins and outs of buying a tenanted investment property.

Know your tenants

When you’re buying an occupied property, it’s wise to learn about the tenants.

If the rental history shows you’ve got stellar tenants, that’s super!

You can have rent coming in straight off the bat – all without the need to advertise or wade through applications.

But if the rental history is a grim read, you can’t just switch tenants on a whim.

As the landlord, you’re obligated to honour the existing lease. There is state and territory government legislation you’ll need to adhere to as an owner, with certain processes and procedures to follow if you want to go down the road of ending a tenancy.

What’s the property’s condition?

Be thorough in investigating the condition of the property and ask if there are outstanding maintenance requests. This can help you avoid unexpected costs.

As the owner, you’re responsible for ponying up for most repairs. You need to ensure the property is maintained in a timely fashion as per the tenancy agreement.

So if there’s a laundry list of things to be fixed, you‘ll want to budget for it.

What if I want to make changes?

You’re obligated to honour the term of the existing lease. That means if you want to make changes to the tenancy agreement (like increasing the rent amount), you’ll need to wait.

Say you want to make non-routine renos to your property during the lease period – that’s possible, but you’ll have to negotiate with your tenants.

Extensive renos could affect their enjoyment of the property, which may mean they reject your request to carry out the works and you have to wait until their lease expires.

Ultimately, the only way you can make changes while the lease is in place is through mutual agreement with your tenants.

Property management

A good property manager will fill you in on your obligations and maintain the smooth running of the tenancy.

If you like the way things have been handled, you can choose to stick with the existing manager.

But if you want to change, you can. You’ll most likely have to provide a period of notice to the property manager. The duration depends on which state or territory your property is located in.

Alternatively, you can manage the tenancy yourself. Just be sure you’re across all the legislation.

Property management can be a demanding job, so make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into before taking it on!

Get in touch

Ready to jump into property investment? Get in touch today!

We can help you navigate the process by finding suitable loans, unlocking existing equity and working out your borrowing power.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

As the sun rises on January 1, many Australians will be getting started on their new year’s pacts. The gym will be full of determined resolution keepers; the pavement pounded by brand-new sneakers. But what about shaping up your finances?

There’s no denying 2022 was a tough year for many mortgage holders – with eight rate rises since the start of May – and unfortunately 2023 is tipped to bring more rate increases.

But by kicking off the year with a few tweaks to your budget and habits you could be in a much better position to ride out future hikes.

Here are 4 simple new year’s resolutions that can help keep your finances fighting fit.

1. Time to ditch unnecessary expenses?

The 2022 rate rises had a lot of us trimming back our budgets. But expenses can creep back in. Before you know it, those “free trials” you forgot to cancel become paid monthly subscriptions.

It’s good to get into the habit of conducting regular expense audits – cut down on streaming services, take-away meals and impulse purchases to make savings.

That said, you don’t have to become an extreme penny-pincher. Little tweaks here and there can add up.

For example, a daily $4 take-away coffee habit costs you $1460 per year! But switching to a DIY French press brew can cost just $260-$400.

2. Have you got an emergency buffer fund?

The last few years have taught us to expect the unexpected. Having money tucked away for emergencies, or more rate rises, can give you added peace of mind.

You can use unlocked savings from your expense audit to start building up an emergency buffer.

And consider adding even more to this fund by selling any unused or unwanted items on ebay or Gumtree.

That way, if rates go up further, you lose your job, or have unforeseen medical expenses, you’ll have the funds on hand.

And you can get rid of some clutter in the process. It’s a win-win!

3. Do you need to pay down a debt?

Christmas is a time many of us cut a little loose on our spending (and fair enough!). But it’s also important to make sure you pay off any debts quickly.

Now may be a good time to either start paying back any money owed on credit cards, get ahead on your mortgage (if you’re able to), or vanquish any other debts you might have.

Also, consider avoiding credit card or buy now pay later purchases if possible. If you forget to pay these on time, you could incur interest and/or late fees.

You may also find that quickly reducing debt tastes sweeter than a take-away mochaccino. And your credit score might thank you for it too, which can make purchasing your first home, new property, or refinancing that little bit easier.

4. When did you last review your home loan?

Last but not least, if you’ve had your home loan for a while, you could be paying something called “the loyalty tax”.

This is where lenders don’t pass on new borrower rates to existing customers.

An RBA study found that compared to new loans, borrowers are charged an average of 40 basis points higher interest for loans written four years ago.

Arranging regular home loan health checks can potentially uncover opportunities for savings.

Not only could you secure a lower interest rate, but you could refinance to a mortgage with other features that may be a better fit for your circumstances – such as an offset account, fixed period, or a linked debit card (to name a few).

To get started on your home loan health check and prepare for whatever 2023 throws at you, get in touch.

We’ll look at your financial footing, your mortgage, and the market to scope out suitable loan products and potential savings.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.